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Backyard Brick BBQ

Backyard Brick BBQ

Natural Stone Fireplace Facade

Natural Stone Fireplace Facade

Tapered Brick Chimney with Clinkers

Tapered Brick Chimney with Clinkers

Pizza Oven and Fireplace

Pizza Oven and Fireplace

Bluestone Flagstone Permeable Patio

Bluestone Flagstone Permeable Patio

Stone and Green Onyx Tile Fireplace with monolithic stone hearth

Stone and Green Onyx Tile Fireplace with monolithic stone hearth

Backyard Custom Brick Grill

Backyard Custom Brick Grill

Full Chimney Rebuild

Full Tapered Brick Chimney Rebuild with Random Clinkers to Match Original

Herringbone Brick Steps and Entryway

Herringbone Brick Steps and Entryway

Full Brick Chimney Rebuild to Match Original

Full B

Multi Neighbor Brick Mailbox

Multi Neighbor Brick Mailbox

Rumsford Fireplace with Dark Firebrick and Tile Hearth and Facade.

Rumsford Fireplace with Dark Firebrick and Tile Hearth and Facade.

Full Stone Variegated Facade

Full Stone Variegated Facade

Dark Brick Chimney

Dark Brick Chimney

Natural Stone and Green Onyx Tile

Stone and Green Onyx Tile Fireplace with monolithic stone hearth

Pizza Oven

Pizza Oven

Tile Shower with boxes and bench

Tile Shower with boxes and bench

Brick Fireplace Facade

Brick Fireplace Facade Tear down and Rebuild Remodel

Bluestone Patio


Tile Fireplace Facade

Tile Fireplace Facade

Structural Block Retaining Wall

Structural Block Retaining Wall

Winding Concrete Stairs and Stone Walls

Winding Concrete Stairs and Stone Walls

Brick Retaining Wall

Brick Retaining Wall

Decorative Pillar

Decorative Pillar

Natural Stone Chimney

Tear Down and Rebuild of Natural Stone Chimney

Natural Stone and Brick Patio
Planter Box
Brick Chimney

Tile Facade and hearth, Hampton Woodstove Insert installation

Full Chimney Teardown and Rebuild

Stone facade and Hearth Installation

Rumsford Firebox Installation

Teardown to Roofline and Rebuild, roof and counter Flashing installation

Tear down and Rebuild Brick Chimney and Install, Counter-flashing

Tear down and Rebuild Brick Chimney and Install, Counter-flashing

Rebuild from roofline

Tile hearth Installation

Teardown to ground, Rebuild to match original

Decorative Pillars

Natural Stone Chimney

Rebuild from roofline, Counter flashing

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